We Love What We Do

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Want to get quality and photorealistic snapshots? Choose
a preferable plan below.
[gt3_price_block title=”basic plan” price=”29″ price_prefix=”$” price_suffix=”99″ price_description=”Portrait Session” button_link=”url:%23|title:Select%20plan||”]

  • No More than 3 People
  • 1-2 Hours on Location
  • 2 Outfit Changes
  • 20 Images
  • Lo-res Images for Web
  • Hi-res Images on CD


[gt3_price_block package_is_active=”yes” title=”event plan” price=”39″ price_prefix=”$” price_suffix=”99″ price_description=”Wedding Session” button_link=”url:%23|title:Select%20plan||”]

  • No More than 3 People
  • 1-2 Hours on Location
  • 2 Outfit Changes
  • 20 Images
  • Lo-res Images for Web
  • Hi-res Images on CD


[gt3_price_block title=”creative plan” price=”49″ price_prefix=”$” price_suffix=”99″ price_description=”Creative Session” button_link=”url:%23|title:Select%20plan||”]

  • No More than 3 People
  • 1-2 Hours on Location
  • 2 Outfit Changes
  • 20 Images
  • Lo-res Images for Web
  • Hi-res Images on CD


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